Welcome to my website!
Discover a webpage i made with ❤️ (and a little bit of ☕), like everything i program.
ⓘ About Me
Hi! I'm a weird boy from Mars that learns computer sience and doesn't know how to stop programming.
In the few years I program, I made:
tons of cool Websites
Games in Godot, JavaScript and Scratch
AIs that gonna take over the world 😏
APIs in Python and NodeJS
Discord Bots
and all together, they made me the developer I am today.
Currently, I'm really interested AI.
I'm learning more about it all the time, and I used it to play games, recognize faces, and even detect someone's voice!
💻 Skills
TypeScript/JavaScript:90%85%80%30%10%🔧 Projects
I've talked a lot now, but i think showing you same of my projects will show my coding skills much beter, so here are some of my projects, you can see all of them here.
See All Projects ☏ Contact Me
If you want me to make a website for you, ask me something or just want to become friends, you can always use one of the platforms below: